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Voordrachten: 'Lingua Graeca als lingua franca! De Griekse taal door de eeuwen heen'

De (oud)griekse taalfamilie: de oorsprong en oudste taalvormen

  • Filip De Decker


In this longer article I give an overview of the history of the Greek language (4000 (?) – 500 BC), focusing on the value of Greek for Indo-European and historical linguistics, its relations with other (Indo-European and non-Indo-European) languages, the creation of its alphabet, its dialectal differences with an analysis of some inscriptions. At the end I take a closer look at the oldest Greek, Mycenaean, describing its writing system, some aspects of the language and the answers it provides and questions it raises for the history of Greek and Indo-European.

How to Cite:

De Decker, F., (2020) β€œDe (oud)griekse taalfamilie: de oorsprong en oudste taalvormen”, Tetradio 29(1): 1, 7–50. doi:

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