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Thessaloniki: van Balkanmetropool tot regionale hoofdstad

  • Kees Klok


This article deals with the various developments that transformed Thessaloniki from a Balkan metropolis and second city of the Ottoman Empire into a Greek city of regional importance over the course of the 20th and early 21st century.These developments include the conquest of Thessaloniki by the Greeks (1912), the great fire of 1917, the exchange of Greek and Turkish populations with the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), the German occupation (1941-1944), the civil war (1946-1949) and the economic and demographic developments after 1960.

How to Cite:

Klok, K., (2018) “Thessaloniki: van Balkanmetropool tot regionale hoofdstad”, Tetradio 27(1): 4, 87–100. doi:

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