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Troje, landschap van verhalen: Een greep uit de antieke literaire traditie rond het Trojaanse paard

  • Tine Scheijnen orcid logo


Myth reigns in Troy, where literature inspires archaeology. The ever popular ‘story’ about the Trojan War is in fact a complex mosaic: a cycle of stories that have reached us from different sides and in various forms, throughout the ages. We cannot (or no longer) reconstruct a ‘standard version’. Instead, we are dealing with a very rich and colourful tradition: in (epic and other) literature from Homer onwards, the Trojan War is subject to continuous reception, reworking and renewal. From tragedy over manic Homer imitation towards playful prose our own century, the spear of Achilles has even been passed on to Brad Pitt.New versions appropriate the famous story and its characters in the most creative, sometimes plainly contradicting ways. This paper traces the episode of the wooden horse through eight literary narratives. It provides a reflection on the endless reception of Troy in the context of Latin and Greek literature, from Homer all the way to the Middle Ages (and beyond).

How to Cite:

Scheijnen, T., (2018) “Troje, landschap van verhalen: Een greep uit de antieke literaire traditie rond het Trojaanse paard”, Tetradio 27(1): 1, 13–38. doi:

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