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Voordrachten: 'Grieken en de ander: Griekse identiteitsvorming doorheen de eeuwen'

Wil de echte Griek opstaan? Verwantschap en vereenzelviging met de oude Grieken in vroegmodern Europa

  • Han Lamers


This article examines the ways in which early modern scholars sometimes identified themselves and their communities with the ancient Greeks in their quest for distinctive cultural identities. This ‘imagined Greekness’ has mostly been discussed in the context of French humanism, where it is generally referred to as celt’-hellénisme, suggesting that it was a consistent ideology. This paper shows that, in sixteenth-century French humanism, ‘Greekness’ was not an entirely coherent set of ideas but entails a range of different perspectives on the connections between French and Greek. Moreover, it shows that identifications with the ancient Greeks were not confined to France but occurred in various cultural and political contexts throughout Europe, from Southern Italy to Finland, roughly from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. Whereas a full history of the phenomenon is still lacking, this article offers a first overview of the subject and indicates some avenues for further research.

How to Cite:

Lamers, H., (2017) “Wil de echte Griek opstaan? Verwantschap en vereenzelviging met de oude Grieken in vroegmodern Europa”, Tetradio 26(1): 4, 101–130. doi:

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