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Voordrachten: 'Mythologie tot Orthodoxie'

Over de esthetisering van geweld: Mythe en trauma in het theater van Romeo Castellucci

  • Freddy Decreus


The Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, an Italian experimental theatre company founded in 1981, became famous for its investigation of a theatrical language that focused on iconoclasm, violent images and haunting music. In this contribution, we inves- tigate the relation between, myth, tragedy and trauma. The question is asked to what degree traumatic experiences created this generalized climate of loss and loneliness. To that purpose, we analyse especially the Parisian Episode of the Tra- gedia Endogonidia, P.#06, which brought together a large number of Biblical and classical Greek themes.

How to Cite:

Decreus, F., (2016) “Over de esthetisering van geweld: Mythe en trauma in het theater van Romeo Castellucci”, Tetradio 25(1): 8, 179–200. doi:

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