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Voordrachten: 'Mythologie tot Orthodoxie'

Orthodoxie in Griekenland en West-Europa van 1782 tot vandaag

  • Dominique Verbeke


If one event is fundamental for understanding the current revival of theological writing and thinking in the Orthodox Church, it is the publication of the Philokalia in 1782. This book, a selection of spiritual texts dating back to the period of the 4th to the 14th century AD, set a new series of developments in motion which have meant a return to a more existential theology that takes its starting point in the faith of the individual and is part of his everyday life. This contribution presents an overview of the most important developments and thinkers of the past two centuries and pays special attention to Greek theologians who, from 1893 onwards, actively participated in the debate.

How to Cite:

Verbeke, D., (2016) “Orthodoxie in Griekenland en West-Europa van 1782 tot vandaag”, Tetradio 25(1): 7, 173–178. doi:

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