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Religie in Hatra: Een sociaal-politieke reconstructie van de godsdienst in een pre-islamitische woestijnstad

  • Lucinda Dirven


The present contribution reconstructs and evaluates the religious situation in Hatra, a city in present day Iraq with remains that date back to the first three centuries AD. Central to the present reconstruction is the idea that the religious organisation is bound up with the political and social situation. Hatra’s rulers took recourse to the divine in order to commit the population of Hatra and its surroundings to both the city and their rule. The sun god and other deities venerated in the city presented the in habitants with a common religious identity that contributed to the social cohesion. As such, Hatra’s short but prosperous existence is intimately connected with its role as a holy city.

How to Cite:

Dirven, L., (2016) “Religie in Hatra: Een sociaal-politieke reconstructie van de godsdienst in een pre-islamitische woestijnstad”, Tetradio 25(1): 2, 35–55. doi:

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