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Bij wijze van roman: Auteur Yannis Kiourtsakis en vertaler Hero Hokwerda aan het woord

  • Yannis Kiourtsakis
  • Hero Hokwerda


In this ‘dual’ essay, translator Hero Hokwerda introduces the Greek author Yannis Kiourtsakis with an overview of his life and work, particularly his novel As a Novel (1995). The biographical introduction is followed by a brief discussion of a number of problems that he came across during the translation of this novel into Dutch, particularly in view of the use of core philosophical terminology such as ο εαυτός (the self/-self) and ίδιος (the same/same). Subsequently, author Yannis Kiourtsakis offers a personal introspection into the process of thinking, feeling and writing that resulted in As a Novel, the first part of his trilogy The Same and the Other.

How to Cite:

Kiourtsakis, Y. & Hokwerda, H., (2014) “Bij wijze van roman: Auteur Yannis Kiourtsakis en vertaler Hero Hokwerda aan het woord”, Tetradio 23(1): 7, 153–164. doi:

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