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De ruimte voor een wetenschap van de mens bij Aristoteles

  • Fons Dewulf


Aristotle’s Poetics, Rhetoric and Politics can be considered as works within the humanities since they study human beings, their social institutions and their cultural artefacts. It remains unclear, however, whether these disciplines can be considered as ‘sciences’ in Aristotle’s own terms (epistèmai). In this article I argue that Aristotle’s demonstrative theory on epistèmè can not only be applied to the theoretical sciences, but also to the practical and productive sciences – such as poetics, rhetoric or politics. To this end I first investigate how Aristotle’s epistemology and metaphysics allow for the constitution of sciences concerning man and his products. Secondly, I attempt to show which demonstrative principles are at work in the three aforementioned works.

How to Cite:

Dewulf, F., (2014) “De ruimte voor een wetenschap van de mens bij Aristoteles”, Tetradio 23(1): 6, 129–151. doi:

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