Wijze dichters of dichterlijke wijsgeren: de Zeven Wijzen in Context
In this article I discuss traditions surrounding the Seven Sages. These legendary sages, datable to the 7th century BC, feature in many anecdotes in historiography, philosophy and biography (Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch, Diogenes Laertius). One topic in the stories about their lives is of particular interest to me: the texts (sayings, poetry and prose works) that were attributed to the Seven Sages by various sources. Why did they write these texts, or why where they attributed to them, and in what way can they be connected to the Sages’ reputation for wisdom and political savoir faire?
How to Cite:
Klooster, J., (2014) “Wijze dichters of dichterlijke wijsgeren: de Zeven Wijzen in Context”, Tetradio 23(1): 1, 7–28. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/tetradio.91832
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