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De zieners Kalchas en Teiresias bij Homeros en in de tragedie

  • Isolde Ruelens


This article is a study of the prophet Kalchas as a literary character in the Iliad and the tragedies Agamemnon (Aeschylus), Aias (Sophocles) and Iphignia in Aulis (Euripides). How do the writers of these works use this mythological character – and the art of divination in general – as a dramatic device? How do the other characters react to Kalchas’ words and what does that tell us about their own personality? This article shows that the authors of the studied texts exploit divination in very different and original ways, but always in relation to the historical context of the 5th century B.C.

How to Cite:

Ruelens, I., (2012) “De zieners Kalchas en Teiresias bij Homeros en in de tragedie”, Tetradio 21(1): 8, 157–180. doi:

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