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Van Pythagoras tot Euclides: Van bewijzen om te bekijken naar bewijzen om over na te denken

  • Jean Paul Van Bendegem


Greek mathematics between the period marked at one end by Pythagoras and Euclid at the other, underwent a major change as far as mathematical proof is concerned. From a concept of ‘proof by looking’, based on a direct inspection of a given geometrical figure, slowly emerged the idea of a proof by contradiction, the so-called reductio ad absurdum, where representation plays a minor role and a higher level of abstract thinking is introduced. This transition is still relevant today and, in particular, it is a powerful method for proofs of the existence of God.

How to Cite:

Van Bendegem, J., (2012) “Van Pythagoras tot Euclides: Van bewijzen om te bekijken naar bewijzen om over na te denken”, Tetradio 21(1): 4, 61–83. doi:

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