
Halfverborgen visioenen van je liefde: Homo-erotiek bij Kavafis

  • Steven Van Renterghem


In this article the homoerotic theme in Cavafy’s poetry is examined from two perspectives. On the one hand, the poems are read autobiographically: their compositional history is clarified through links with Cavafy’s own life and experiences as well as by tracing Cavafy’s psychological evolution in the poems, using the coming-out model of Cass. On the other hand, the literary role of this theme is analyzed. For this we focus on its relation with both the function of memory in Cavafy’s poetry and the poetic creation of a mythical Alexandria. The changes of the meaning of several literary motives will also lay bare important semantic and poetic developments in Cavafy’s oeuvre.

How to Cite:

Van Renterghem, S., (2010) “Halfverborgen visioenen van je liefde: Homo-erotiek bij Kavafis”, Tetradio 19(1): 4, 69–117. doi:

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Published on
05 Jun 2010
Peer Reviewed