Klachten en verzoeken uit Ptolemeïsch Egypte: Vrouwelijke onderdanen schrijven aan de overheid
- Eline Scheerlinck
This article is based on a Master’s dissertation dealing with the Greek petitions from Ptolemaic Egypt, written to the authorities by women. These complaints and requests offer a direct view onto the problems of everyday life, which in these documents we are able to see from a female perspective. The paper focuses on three thematic groups of petitions: the petitions from orphans and widows concerning troubles with their inheritance, the complaints against (ex-)husbands, and the petitions sent by or on behalf of victims of physical violence.
How to Cite:
Scheerlinck, E., (2008) “Klachten en verzoeken uit Ptolemeïsch Egypte: Vrouwelijke onderdanen schrijven aan de overheid”, Tetradio 17(1): 7, 163–183. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/tetradio.91785
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