In de voetsporen van Eurycleia en Phoenix: De rol en historische achtergrond van voedsters en 'paidagogoi' in de Attische tragedies uit de 5de eeuw v.C.
- Marloes Deene
In this article, the author examines the importance and extraordinary role of slave nurses (τροφοί) and tutors (παιδαγωγοί) as confidents with authority in fifth-century Attic tragedy. Special attention is paid to the different elements that have affected these writings, in particular the historical context, the preceding mythological and epic tradition, and the prevailing social phenomena and influential intellectual trends in fifth-century Athens.
How to Cite:
Deene, M., (2008) “In de voetsporen van Eurycleia en Phoenix: De rol en historische achtergrond van voedsters en 'paidagogoi' in de Attische tragedies uit de 5de eeuw v.C.”, Tetradio 17(1): 6, 131–164. doi:
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