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Adamantios Koraïs en de vrijheid: Een humanistiche exploratie van zijn ideeën in waarneming, theorie en praktijk

  • Dieter Wildemauwe


In this article the author approaches the works and ideas of Adamantios Koraes in a new way. He uses the framework offered by Tzvetan Todorov in his book Le Jardin Imparfait (Paris, 1998) which divides ideological groups depending on how they cope with the question of freedom. Like Todorov, the author focusses on the humanist group, which is the leading tendency in the western world. Referring to the humanist tradition and its ‘founding fathers’ such as Montaigne and Rousseau, he can explain some of the contradictions that have arisen concerning Koraes and his ideas. Furthermore, from this viewpoint, one can understand the basis of some of the better known parts of Koraes’ thinking (his linguistic theory or his annotations concerning education, for instance).

How to Cite:

Wildemauwe, D., (2004) “Adamantios Koraïs en de vrijheid: Een humanistiche exploratie van zijn ideeën in waarneming, theorie en praktijk”, Tetradio 13(1): 8, 149–170. doi:

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