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Η στροφή προς το παρ<ελθ>όν. Heden en verleden in Angelos Terzakis' 'Princes Isabelle'

  • Bart Soethaert


The turn towards the past (στροφή προς το παρελθόν) is considered as one of the basic characteristics of the so-called Generation of ’30. The author examines in this article the meaning of this regressive move to the past for Terzakis’ historical novel, Princess Ysabeau. First published in serial form in 1937-1938, the novel was considerably rewritten before its appearance in book form in 1945. This study tries to define the relation between past (the struggles of the Greeks of the Peloponnesus against western crusaders in the thirteenth century) and present (the Axis-occupation during World War II) to answer a significant question: What was Terzakis’ intention by writing this historical novel?

How to Cite:

Soethaert, B., (2004) “Η στροφή προς το παρ<ελθ>όν. Heden en verleden in Angelos Terzakis' 'Princes Isabelle'”, Tetradio 13(1): 7, 117–147. doi:

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