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Sporen van de godin: Tussen mythe en materie

  • Lut De Block


God is dead’ may be taken for granted, but the ‘goddess’ is more alive than ever. She is significantly present in the so-called new age literature as well as in the academic publications of the last ten years. But what is a ‘goddess’? Is it a fact of history or a mere concept, an idealised myth or a metaphor to articulate a female point of view? Examining the publications, there seems to be a conflict between the rational scientific approach of the human sciences and the emotional non-academic interpretation by the feminist 'goddess believers’. This article draws up the balance and reveals that the two approaches lack historical relevance and that the metaphorical truth is in between and complementary. Although ‘the goddess’ isn’t but a metaphor, there are some positive implications: a more tolerant view on gender, a more subtle balance between ratio and emotion and a hylozoistic view on nature. To manage this metaphor a post-modern deconstruction model is used, inspired by Heraclites.

How to Cite:

De Block, L., (2003) “Sporen van de godin: Tussen mythe en materie”, Tetradio 12(1): 4, 83–96. doi:

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