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Atlantis van Platon tot Disney

  • Herbert Verreth orcid logo


The story of Atlantis has been made up by the philosopher Plato for his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, but there is still discussion about the internal function of this myth and about Plato’s sources of inspiration. The story of Atlantis was apparently not very popular in antiquity, and only 29 Greek and Latin authors allude to it, some of them looking for an allegorical interpre tation, others taking Plato literally. Most of them refer directly to Plato’s story, and only occa sionally some new elements have been created about the continent. The discovery of America confirmed the conviction that Atlantis once really existed and many theories about the location of Atlantis have been suggested since. The Atlantis theme was also very popular in literature, films and comics of the 19th-20th century AD, creating a never ending flow of new interpreta tions and additional stories.

How to Cite:

Verreth, H., (2003) “Atlantis van Platon tot Disney”, Tetradio 12(1): 3, 49–82. doi:

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