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De letterendames in Griekenland voor de revolutie van 1821

  • Mariëtta Ioannidou


In the course of the 19th century, given the position of women in that time, we can’t speak about participation of women in the social, cultural and intellectual life in Greece. Nevertheless there were a few exceptional cases of women who managed to distinguish themselves in some strictly men-dominated fields: E. Boukouri-Altamoura, the first female Greek painter; K. Papalexopoulou, who developed political activities against king Otto; E. Kairi, the first female play writer and intellectual, and finally - enclosed in her castle - E. Moutzan-Martinengou, the most prolific and unlucky of all. Four pioneer women who have been forgotten and neglected, but whose work - as far as it was saved - is a rare and valuable evidence of a time when women were not allowed to be "members of the human society". That is why they deserve a place in modern Greek cultural and literary history.

How to Cite:

Ioannidou, M., (2003) “De letterendames in Griekenland voor de revolutie van 1821”, Tetradio 12(1): 2, 29–48. doi:

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