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Waar is wie ik ben: Plaats en zelfpresentatie in de autobiografische gedichten van Gregorius van Nazianze en Ausonius van Bordeaux

  • Mathijs Clement


The 4th-century authors Gregory of Nazianze and Ausonius of Bordeaux wrote frequently and extensively about themselves. In the self-presentation of both authors place references play an important, though often overlooked role. Today we commonly denominate Ausonius and Gregory with the names “of Bordeaux” and “of Nazianze”, names that seem to indicate that they were predominantly attached to their city of birth. In this contribution, however, I want to nuance that “local” attachment. By discussing several of Ausonius’ and Gregory’s poems, I will try to show that the self-presentation of both authors is not purely local, but also to a significant extent cosmopolitan. Moreover, I want to indicate that place references in the poetry of both Gregory and Ausonius are not simple factual statements, but rhetorical constructions. This article hopes to unearth the rhetorical nature of these place references and to discuss some examples where the relationship of the author’s self-presentation to place invites further interpretation.

How to Cite:

Clement, M., (2022) “Waar is wie ik ben: Plaats en zelfpresentatie in de autobiografische gedichten van Gregorius van Nazianze en Ausonius van Bordeaux”, Tetradio 31(1): 5, 93–112. doi:

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