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(On)eigen(tijdse) beschouwingen over Griekse tragedie: Tweemaal Smekende vrouwen

  • Kristoffel Demoen orcid logo


The title of this paper refers to Nietzsche’s work Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen, more specifically to the second essay, ‘On the Use and Abuse of History for Life’. The opening pages are a reflection on the author’s own reading and teaching of Greek tragedy, not only as an interesting object of study in itself, but also as a vital ancient genre that presents issues of urgent contemporary relevance. As an illustration, two tragedies are discussed in which the ancient ritual/custom of supplication (hiketeia, supplicium) takes centre stage, and that bear the same title: Suppliant Women (Hiketides). Aeschylus’ play reworks the myth of the Danaids seeking asylum in Argos; in Euripides’ play, women from Argos come to Athens requesting help in a conflict with Thebes. Both tragedies stage political leaders struggling, in an all too familiar way, with ethical and political dilemmas posed by the arrival of refugees and by the confrontation with victims of war

How to Cite:

Demoen, K., (2022) “(On)eigen(tijdse) beschouwingen over Griekse tragedie: Tweemaal Smekende vrouwen”, Tetradio 31(1): 1, 11–32. doi:

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