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Veilige hechting met ouders, leerkrachten en school, sociale cohesie op school en etnische vooroordelen bij Vlaamse jongeren

Authors: Roselien Vervaet , Mieke Van Houtte orcid logo , Peter A.J. Stevens orcid logo

  • Veilige hechting met ouders, leerkrachten en school, sociale cohesie op school en etnische vooroordelen bij Vlaamse jongeren


    Veilige hechting met ouders, leerkrachten en school, sociale cohesie op school en etnische vooroordelen bij Vlaamse jongeren

    Authors: , ,


As a result of global migration processes, schools in Flanders are now notably ethnically diverse. Taking into consideration the lack of research on determinants of Flemish students’ ethnic prejudice and Bowlby’s attachment theory, we want to examine the role of the individual feeling of attachment and the social cohesion in schools for Flemish students’ degree of ethnic prejudice in secondary education. Moreover, we control for ethnic school composition and pupil characteristics that have been shown to be related to ethnic prejudice. The data used are taken from the Racism and Discrimination in Secondary Schools Research (RaDiSS 2), collected by means of a written questionnaire by 2.058 students and 669 teachers in 40 Flemish secondary schools. The main finding of this study is that the individual feeling of being securely attached is associated with lower levels of ethnic prejudice: Flemish pupils who feel supported by their parents, teachers and school are less ethnic prejudiced. Moreover, social cohesion in a school is related with lower degrees of ethnic prejudice among Flemish students.

How to Cite:

Vervaet, R., Van Houtte, M. & Stevens, P., (2017) “Veilige hechting met ouders, leerkrachten en school, sociale cohesie op school en etnische vooroordelen bij Vlaamse jongeren”, Sociologos 38(1-2), 98–119. doi:

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