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Je bent jong... en je verveelt je: een analyse van de oorzaken van verveling bij Vlaamse jongeren en de invloed ervan op hun levenstevredenheid

Authors: Lauren Vandenbossche , Gil Antoine Keppens orcid logo , Jessy Siongers orcid logo , Bram Spruyt orcid logo , Filip Van Droogenbroeck orcid logo

  • Je bent jong... en je verveelt je: een analyse van de oorzaken van verveling bij Vlaamse jongeren en de invloed ervan op hun levenstevredenheid


    Je bent jong... en je verveelt je: een analyse van de oorzaken van verveling bij Vlaamse jongeren en de invloed ervan op hun levenstevredenheid

    Authors: , , , ,


Recent years have seen a growing interest in young people’s leisure time. Since leisure boredom is consistently associated with different emotional and societal problems, concerns about the occurrence of leisure boredom are an integral part of this interest. Against that background, this paper studies social variation in boredom during leisure time and its consequences for life satisfaction among pupils following secondary education in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium; N = 1598). In general girls, younger pupils and pupils who are enrolled in vocational education experience leisure boredom more often. In-depth analyses, however, show interesting interaction effects between these characteristics. In addition, leisure boredom correlates positively with a weak social network and a lack of parental monitoring. After taking these characteristics into account there remains no direct relationship between material and cultural deprivation and the occurrence of leisure boredom. We also find that leisure boredom, even after taking into account many other characteristics of young people’s social, economic and cultural living environment, significantly predicts low life satisfaction. In the conclusion we discuss the implications of our findings.

How to Cite:

Vandenbossche, L., Keppens, G., Siongers, J., Spruyt, B. & Van Droogenbroeck, F., (2016) “Je bent jong... en je verveelt je: een analyse van de oorzaken van verveling bij Vlaamse jongeren en de invloed ervan op hun levenstevredenheid”, Sociologos 37(2), 128–147. doi:

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