Based on an analysis of the genre classifications by reviewers of 2951 pop music albums the consequences are analyzed of a ‘fuzzy’ or multiple-genre identity on the commercial and critical success of these albums. The results confirm previous research on the ‘categorical imperative’ in cultural industries. Particularly with regards to commercial success, a negative sanction is found for combining ‘contrasting’ genre categories. This categorical imperative is however less strong for artists who have already obtained an established position and high status within the field of popular music.
How to Cite:
van Venrooij, A. & Schmutz, V., (2013) “De consequenties van categorieën: een analyse van grensoverschrijdende genre-identiteit in de populaire muziek”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 34(3-4), 364–389. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86835
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