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Recente migranten in Nederland en de herkomst van de door hen beluisterde muziek en bekeken films

Authors: Hedde Bekhuis , Marcel Lubbers orcid logo

  • Recente migranten in Nederland en de herkomst van de door hen beluisterde muziek en bekeken films


    Recente migranten in Nederland en de herkomst van de door hen beluisterde muziek en bekeken films

    Authors: ,


In this study we answer the question ‘to what extent recent migrants’ consumption of movies and music from their country of origin and from the Netherlands is affected by the identification with the country of origin and the Netherlands?’ Using the Social and Cultural Integration Processes among recent migrants 2011 data (n = 3,355) we found that Bulgarians, former Dutch Antilleans, Moroccans, Poles, Surinamese and Turks consume more music and movies from the Netherlands if the identify stronger with the Netherlands. And the consumption of music and movies form the country of origin is higher if they identify stronger with the country of origin. This is in accordance with the idea that the origin of consumed cultural goods sustain ethnic boundaries. Moreover, cultural orientation towards the Netherlands is not necessarily associated with a less strong cultural orientation on the country of origin, which argues for the existence of a dual identity.

How to Cite:

Bekhuis, H. & Lubbers, M., (2013) “Recente migranten in Nederland en de herkomst van de door hen beluisterde muziek en bekeken films”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 34(3-4), 250–269. doi:

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