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Seksuele attitudes van jongeren als voorspeller voor de consumptie van seksueel getinte inhouden online

Authors: Hadewijch Vanwynsberghe orcid logo , Henk Roose orcid logo

  • Seksuele attitudes van jongeren als voorspeller voor de consumptie van seksueel getinte inhouden online


    Seksuele attitudes van jongeren als voorspeller voor de consumptie van seksueel getinte inhouden online

    Authors: ,


Online content related to sex and sexuality is widely available. Both the amount as well as the variety of Internet sexuality have been growing since the nineties. However, little is known about adolescents’ characteristics that may lead them to seek out more sexual content online. Using the media practice model as foundation, this study examines the relationship between sexual attitudes and Internet use for 1,581 university students in Flanders. Regression analyses reveals that students with positive attitudes towards masturbation, who find pleasure more important than love and who feel unsecure about performing sexually more frequently screen the Internet for sexual contents. Moreover, the relationship between attitudes towards masturbation and reporting more uncertainty about sex and searching for sexual contents on the Internet was moderated by gender. This study underscores the need for more comprehensive, longitudinal studies of adolescents’ consumption of sexual content online and its connections to sexual development in youth.

How to Cite:

Vanwynsberghe, H. & Roose, H., (2013) “Seksuele attitudes van jongeren als voorspeller voor de consumptie van seksueel getinte inhouden online”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 34(1), 60–74. doi:

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