
Ouderenmis(be)handeling in België: de rol van de leefomgeving in de prevalentie van mis(be)handeling bij oudere vrouwen

Authors: Sofie Delcourt , Liesbeth De Donder orcid logo , Dominique Verté orcid logo

  • Ouderenmis(be)handeling in België: de rol van de leefomgeving in de prevalentie van mis(be)handeling bij oudere vrouwen


    Ouderenmis(be)handeling in België: de rol van de leefomgeving in de prevalentie van mis(be)handeling bij oudere vrouwen

    Authors: , ,


This research examines the relation between different social components of the neighbourhood and the prevalence of elder abuse. Data (N = 436) were derived from an European study on quality of life of older women. The results demonstrate that 32% of the respondents experienced r abuse in the previous year. Emotional abuse occurred the most. Moreover, almost 5 % of the older women was victim of several situations of elder abuse, each occurring at a very frequent base. Futhermore, this research underlines different significant relations between environmental components and elder abuse. Depending on each type of abuse, different components are important. In the discussion, we give attention to the prevention and treatment of mistreatment of the elderly and highlight different paths for further research. Active anticipation on the social environment for developing intervention strategies is recommended.

How to Cite:

Delcourt, S., De Donder, L. & Verté, D., (2012) “Ouderenmis(be)handeling in België: de rol van de leefomgeving in de prevalentie van mis(be)handeling bij oudere vrouwen”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 33(3-4), 504–529. doi:

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Published on
20 Aug 2012