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Sociologische doorlichting van afdeling X1 en de PAAZ van het ZNA Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Stuivenberg in het licht van Goffmans totale institutie

Author: Caroline Masquillier orcid logo

  • Sociologische doorlichting van afdeling X1 en de PAAZ van het ZNA Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Stuivenberg in het licht van Goffmans totale institutie


    Sociologische doorlichting van afdeling X1 en de PAAZ van het ZNA Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Stuivenberg in het licht van Goffmans totale institutie



This article examines the applicability of Goffman’s Total Institution model, formulated in the 1960s and still regarded as an important sociological theory, to Psychiatric Hospital Stuivenberg. In particular, the study investigates Unit XI, regarded as the most closed unit of Stuivenberg, and the General Hospital Psychiatric Unit (PAAZ), seen as the most open unit of the psychiatric hospital. We developed a methodological instrument of one hundred characteristics and indicators drawn from Goffman’s theory, which was used as a basis for observations and semi-structured interviews with patients and staff. Since Goffman’s investi¬gation an increase in openness was identified in both units, albeit to a different degree. Nevertheless, the study shows that the framework of Goffman’s analysis is still valid for research on residential mental health care. We have also come to the conclusion that pathology should be taken into account when analyzing modern units, in contrast with Goffman’s study.

How to Cite:

Masquillier, C., (2011) “Sociologische doorlichting van afdeling X1 en de PAAZ van het ZNA Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Stuivenberg in het licht van Goffmans totale institutie”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 32(2), 125–152. doi:

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