
De terugkeer van het mattheuseffect?: de casus van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen

Authors: Joris Ghysels orcid logo , Wim Van Lancker orcid logo

  • De terugkeer van het mattheuseffect?: de casus van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen


    De terugkeer van het mattheuseffect?: de casus van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen

    Authors: ,


This research note investigates the presence of a so called Matthew effect in the use and distribution of childcare services in the Belgian region of Flanders. The analyses show that this is the case and that the use of childcare is unequally distributed among society. Low income families with children make only half as much use of childcare services than higher income families. Next to this, the distributional efforts of the government with regard to childcare show the same patterns of inequality notwithstanding the use of income-sensitive tariff structures. Part of the explanation lies in the higher rates of inactivity among mothers of low income families. As they don’t engage in paid work, prima facie they don’t need childcare for their children. However, our data show that a high number of these inactive mothers do want to work but are having troubles finding affordable care services. Thus, next to the inequalities found in the use of services and the allocation of resources, there seems to be a problem of accessibility. Given these results, the article pinpoints the relevance of research about the distribution of resources in contemporary welfare states.

How to Cite:

Ghysels, J. & Van Lancker, W., (2010) “De terugkeer van het mattheuseffect?: de casus van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 31(2), 151–163. doi:

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Published on
20 May 2010