
Werkhervatting na kanker: een onderzoeksnota

Authors: Ward Rommel , Maria Grypdonck orcid logo

  • Werkhervatting na kanker: een onderzoeksnota


    Werkhervatting na kanker: een onderzoeksnota

    Authors: ,


This qualitative research article analyses the work return of cancer survivors. The 15 interviewed cancer survivors live in two worlds. On the one hand, they feel the consequences of the disease. On the other hand, they want to be competent employees. The cancer survivors and the work environment need to find a balance between the contradictory expectations evoked by these worlds. Some cancer survivors and work environments manage to find a more or less stable balance. But this is not always the case. Then the work return goes wrong. Because the respondents consider the job return as important, a failure is hard to live with. When they fail, they start to look for new goals to direct their comeback. This analysis wants to add to research into the experiences of cancer survivors returning to their job. Understanding of these experiences may inspire health care and rehabilitation professionals.

How to Cite:

Rommel, W. & Grypdonck, M., (2010) “Werkhervatting na kanker: een onderzoeksnota”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 31(1), 57–82. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86748

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Published on
20 Feb 2010