Sexual (including reproductive) health is fundamental to the human condition, important both on micro and macro levels, and an extremely relevant issue socially as well as politically. However, sexual health is no obvious part of (international) political conduct or proceedings. This essay first explores the historical background for this. Next, it expounds present societal conditions that make it all the more necessary as well as possible to (further) develop adequate sexual health politics now. This necessity is further illustrated with empirical evidence concerning, first, the magnitude of sexual health problems, in the Netherlands as well as worldwide. Secondly, the costs of sexual problems are illustrated, in medical terms (‘burden of disease’) as well as socially and economically speaking, both in the western world and globally. The possible benefits of adequate sexual health politics are sketched. ‘Europe’, in particular, is called upon to take the lead in this matter.
How to Cite:
Vanwesenbeeck, I., (2008) “Bittere noodzaak: een essay over het maatschappelijk belang van een adequate seksuele gezondheidspolitiek”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 29(2-3), 352–371. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86713
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