In recent decades a rich debate has evolved in the academic field of disability studies. In literature, arguments for different theoretical approaches have been put forward. Two distinctive models can be identified: the individual model and the social model. Individual models are characterized by explanation of disability within the individual; the medical model being a typical example. Activists inside and outside the academic world have criticized considerably the medicalisation on disability and as a reaction developed a social model. Social models tend to emphasize macro-sociological factors as explanations for disability. Nevertheless the reasoning of disability as social construction or social creation is also open to criticism. In this article we advocate an eclectic-integrated approach of disability in research and practice.
How to Cite:
Desnerck, G., Bosteels, S. & Hardonk, S., (2008) “Mensen met een handicap: over medicalisering en sociologisering”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 29(2-3), 212–231. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86705
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