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Een genderbewuste samenstelling van kieslijsten?: verschillen tussen partijretoriek en lokale praktijk

Authors: Peter Thijssen orcid logo , Kristof Jacobs orcid logo

  • Een genderbewuste samenstelling van kieslijsten?: verschillen tussen partijretoriek en lokale praktijk


    Een genderbewuste samenstelling van kieslijsten?: verschillen tussen partijretoriek en lokale praktijk

    Authors: ,


In this article we examine to what degree the national ideological positions with respect to gender equality on ballot lists are shared (subjective gender sensitivity) and implemented (objective gender sensitivity) by local party officials. Our analysis is based on ballot lists presented at the Antwerp district council elections of 8 October 2000. With respect to the objective gender sensitivity of local party officials we analyse both the gender proportions and the gender structure of the ranking order of the lists. To examine this last indicator, we introduce a new statistic that is also suitable for other comparative research designs. We find that the leaders of the slating committees, the actual lists and the voters of the right-wing parties (VLD and Vlaams Blok) are all in all not less sensitive to gender issues than those of CVP and SP. This is remarkable since the latter played an important role in the installment of the national gender quota laws.

How to Cite:

Thijssen, P. & Jacobs, K., (2005) “Een genderbewuste samenstelling van kieslijsten?: verschillen tussen partijretoriek en lokale praktijk”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 26(4), 353–382. doi:

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