
De integratie van allochtone ouders en onderwijsprestaties van hun kinderen:enkele allochtone groepen vergeleken

Authors: Shirley Oomens , Geert Driessen orcid logo , Peer Scheepers

  • De integratie van allochtone ouders en onderwijsprestaties van hun kinderen:enkele allochtone groepen vergeleken


    De integratie van allochtone ouders en onderwijsprestaties van hun kinderen:enkele allochtone groepen vergeleken

    Authors: , ,


This article reports a study of the impact of minority parents' integration into Dutch society on their children's educational achievement. First, it was investigated whether differences exist in the degree of integration in society between parents from different minority groups. The sample analysed (N=1819) included parents and children from the Netherlands Antilles, Surinam, Turkey, Morocco, Southern Europe, and mixed families. The results show that there are clear differences in the degree of integration between minority groups. Parents of mixed families are integrated best both structurally and culturally, while Moroccan parents are integrated least. However, the degree of integration only has a small effect on the children's educational achievement, mainly on language achievement. The most important factor in predicting educational achievement is the minority group the child belongs to.

How to Cite:

Oomens, S., Driessen, G. & Scheepers, P., (2003) “De integratie van allochtone ouders en onderwijsprestaties van hun kinderen:enkele allochtone groepen vergeleken”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 24(4), 289–313. doi:

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Published on
20 Aug 2003