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Vlaams holebi-onderzoek: status questionis en perspectieven

Authors: Frank Cockx , Herman Baert

  • Vlaams holebi-onderzoek: status questionis en perspectieven


    Vlaams holebi-onderzoek: status questionis en perspectieven

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In this article the results of a limited descriptive study on Flemish literature concerning lesbians, gay people and bisexuals are presented. The study reveals that research projects and studies about homosexuality in Flanders are rather scarce. Up until today there is no academic, nor governmental systematic policy related to the topic of research on les-bi-gays. The authors argue that this is not that different from women studies in Flanders in their earlier days. Starting from their findings, they are in search for communalities between women- and les-bi-gay studies. They point out that on the practical, as well as on the more conceptual level there is more than one similarity and common interest between both. Inspired by Judith Butler they emphasize that studies on gender and sexualities have common roots. They conclude with some suggestions for future women- and les-bi-gay-studies in Flanders, as well more general - in the academic and governmental policy in the perspective of a synergy in these domains and their representation into the existing academic research and educational programs.

How to Cite:

Cockx, F. & Baert, H., (2003) “Vlaams holebi-onderzoek: status questionis en perspectieven”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 24(2-3), 165. doi:

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