In this essay, it is argued that during the past decades consumption behaviour has changed dramatically in the United States and other Western societies. The traditional horizontal pattern of comparing with other consumers, has been abandoned in favour of a more vertical pattem, where consumers tend to compare with high income groups. This evolution has had profound consequences on consumption pattems and on the well-being of consumers. While consumer aspirations have risen substantially, for most middle class people actual buying power has risen but marginally. The essay also explores how these changes affect the study of contemporary society and consumer behaviour.
How to Cite:
Schor, J., (2002) “Het nieuwe consumentisme: een essay over vergelijkingsgedrag, sociale ongelijkheid en de bedreiging van ons welbevinden”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 23(1), 10–20. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86541
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