
De zorgeloze consensus: de statuten van het Vlaams Blok en de partijentheorie

Author: Kris Deschouwer orcid logo

  • De zorgeloze consensus: de statuten van het Vlaams Blok en de partijentheorie


    De zorgeloze consensus: de statuten van het Vlaams Blok en de partijentheorie



The Vlaams Blok belongs to the family of right-wing extremist parties. These have been analysed quite extensively, yet with a striking focus on the party ideology. The party organisation has received much less attention. This article looks at the party literature in general and at the literature on right-wing parties in particular to see whether some general ideas about the organisation of right-wing parties can be found. Next we look at the formal statutes of the Vlaams Blok and we try to see to what extent these correspond to the expected logic. This is only partially so, because the Vlaams Blok seems to be a rather exceptional case within the family of right-wing parties. It displays an extremely centralised structure, yet without any ideological rationalisation or explanation for it. The stressing of consensus as the technique for internal decision-making is also special and not a common practice in other right-wing parties.

How to Cite:

Deschouwer, K., (2001) “De zorgeloze consensus: de statuten van het Vlaams Blok en de partijentheorie”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 22(1), 63–87. doi:

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Published on
20 Feb 2001