Recent transformations in family culture and family structure mean that traditional family values are less often taken for granted. The degree to which different aspects of marriage are important for successful partnership is the main question in this article. The research is based on 2.784 Flemish and Walloon individuals between 25 and 55 years old. Results show that, regardless of their social position, respondents value most strongly the emotional-affective aspects, such as respect, appraisal, and faith. Homogamous factors such as equal social background, are valued less. The importance attached to homogamy depends on the socio-structural characteristics of the respondent. In particular, Flemish respondents who attend church frequently, make use of an homogamous marriage discourse. The results can be interpreted using the social change theory.
How to Cite:
Van Den Troost, A., (2000) “De relationele markt anno 2000: een exploratie van waardeörientaties en vormgeving”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 21(2), 131–157. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86498
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