The narrow focus in our society on wage labour seems to become outpaced. A harmonious social life presupposes on a macro-, meso- and micro-level attention and space for a diversity of activities. The concept of a 'pluri-active' society stands for a society where not only wage labour but a variety of activities are appreciated as full sources of social integration and are given valuable scope to develop. Not only wage labour contributes to the individual and societal well-being. The introduction of a basic income, paid unconditionally to all, creates an opening for a society in which wage labour takes a less central place. It will enable us to decrease our labour market dependency and to re-embed our economic system in the other spheres of life.
How to Cite:
Vanderweyden, K., (1998) “De arbeidssamenleving voorbij: van loonarbeid naar pluriactiviteit”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 19(4), 422–448. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86458
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