During the last decades, the care for elderly people suffering from dementia has strongly evolved. Moreover, people are seeking for an adequate definition of what 'good care' or 'high quality care' for people with dementia is. In this article, based on Habermas' theory of communicative action, it is stated that care for people with dementia has emancipated itself from the lifeworld into a system of care. However, in the current social situation, this system of care is not completely independent from the lifeworld. It is situated in the interferential zone between system and lifeworld. The care for people suffering from dementia therefore has characteristics stemming from system as well as lifeworld.
How to Cite:
Declercq, A., (1998) “In het interferentiegebied tussen systeem en leefwereld: de zorg voor dementerenden”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 19(4), 393–420. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86457
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