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Van tranen naar gebalde vuisten: over de politisering van privé-verdriet: de zaak-Dutroux

Authors: Stefaan Walgrave orcid logo , Patrick Stouthuysen

  • Van tranen naar gebalde vuisten: over de politisering van privé-verdriet: de zaak-Dutroux


    Van tranen naar gebalde vuisten: over de politisering van privé-verdriet: de zaak-Dutroux

    Authors: ,


A private problem of victimization has become a first order political problem. From the start the disappearance of their children was interpreted by the parents in a structural and political framework. They attributed their grieve to the incompetence of the judiciary and the police and as such defined their private problem as a collective one. An empirical analysis indicates that, once the children were found, the media took over the politico-structural interpretation, which resulted in the famous White March of 20 October 1996. This case of politicization of emotions is a recurrent phenomenon and due to cultural and structural changes in society: identification barriers have been removed, victimhood has become a strong mobilisator, guilt and responsibility questions have been rising and the media have freed themselves from political patronage, Emotions in politics is now one of the most promising research fields in political Sciences.

How to Cite:

Walgrave, S. & Stouthuysen, P., (1998) “Van tranen naar gebalde vuisten: over de politisering van privé-verdriet: de zaak-Dutroux”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 19(3), 347–376. doi:

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