The first part of the article gives an overview of cognitive laboratory research methods. Four general types of methods are presented: expert evaluation, expanded interviews, targeted methods and group methods. In the second part some of the cognitive interviewing techniques (thinkalouds, direct probings, sorting tasks and paraphrasing) are used to test items related to the concept of social (des)integration. The techniques are sometimes high burden for the respondents. Especially the paraphrasing is too difficult for respondents with less communicative skills. There are also problems with the external validity and interviewer effects are possible. Although these problems, cognitive interviewing techniques are useful in determining problems with question wording and are an important part of a more general pretest strategy.
How to Cite:
Nuyts, K., Waege, H., Loosveldt, G. & Billiet, J., (1997) “Het gebruik van cognitieve interviewtechnieken bij het ontwikkelen en testen van meetinstrumenten voor survey-onderzoek”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 18(4), 477–500. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86429
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