Inspired by Goffman's study of total institutions, we have studied how enrolled nurses in nursing homes manoeuvre between organisational imperatives and residents' needs. They expend much energy coping with problems which arise from the day-to-day care of seriously impaired patients. The grounded theory approach was used to discover problems and coping strategies employed by enrolled nurses. We have differentiated six coping strategies namely, uniformisation, normalisation, avoidance, consultation, acceptance and dosage. These strategies could be further differentiated in two distinct perspectives which we named the Martha and Maria perspectives. Each has different consequences for the provision of care.
How to Cite:
Boeije, H. & Nievaard, A., (1995) “Strategieën en perspectieven van verzorgenden in het verpleeghuis”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 16(4), 345–361. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86234
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