Identity construction has always been problematic, but there has been a shift in nature of this problem. It is argued that while the modern 'problem of identity' was how to construct an identity and keep it solid and stable, the postmodern 'problem of identity' is primarily how to avoid fixation and keep the options open. The metaphor that catches very well the modern life strategy is that of the pilgrim: during modernity, life had to be lived as pilgrimage: well-directed, with a clear destination, always progressing towards something or somewhere. And in the same way as the pilgrim was the most fitting metaphor for the modern life strategy preoccupied with the daunting task of identity-building - the stroller, the vagabond, the tourist and the player offer jointly the metaphor for the postmodern strategy moved by the horror of being bound and fixed.
How to Cite:
Bauman, Z., (1995) “Van pelgrim tot toerist”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 16(1), 31–49. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86208
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