
Het voortbestaan van de traditionele scheidingslijnen en hun voornaamste accentverschillen

Authors: Liliane Voyé , Jean Remy

  • Het voortbestaan van de traditionele scheidingslijnen en hun voornaamste accentverschillen


    Het voortbestaan van de traditionele scheidingslijnen en hun voornaamste accentverschillen

    Authors: ,


A comparison of the way in which various issues (the advancement of women, housing, town planning and national and regional development, immigrant workers) are dealt with by the organs of the Catholic pillar and by those of the socialist pillar, highlights the persistence of an essential difference between their respective approaches to social reality. The work environment is regarded as decisive by the socialist organizations; any change in any sphere whatsoever can only be achieved through action carried out with reference to this sphere. For christian organizations, on the other hand, social reality is made up of a multiplicity of structures within which distinct forms of action are in order. This difference in approach cannot only be explained by the difference in clientele. This difference is in turn to be understood, it seems, by reference to a difference in underlying philosophies. On the socialist side, only control of the labour process via collective regulations and structural change can bring about change; on the christian side, the personalist tradition induces an emphasis on the quality of human relationships and on personal effort, without which no structural change can be effective.

How to Cite:

Voyé, L. & Remy, J., (1986) “Het voortbestaan van de traditionele scheidingslijnen en hun voornaamste accentverschillen”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 7(1-2), 165–187. doi:

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Published on
20 Feb 1986