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Reduced-thickness CVN testing to represent slant failure of pipelines

  • Jeroen Van Wittenberghe
  • Philippe Thibaux
  • Patrick Goes


To avoid longitudinal ductile crack propagation along a gas pipeline, the Batelle Two Curve method is used during pipeline design. This method states that a running crack will be arrested if the gas decompression velocity exceeds the crack propagation speed at the internal gas pressure. The crack propagation curve is scaled by impact energy values obtained through Charpy V-Notch (CVN) testing. However, for high-strength steel grades this scaling leads to unconservative predictions, because the experiment does not sufficiently represent the pipeline failure mode. The CVN specimen exhibits mainly mode I failure, without significant shear lips, while real failure is a combined mode often described as slant failure. In the present study, instrumented CVN tests are carried out on samples with different thickness reduction levels. To get a better insight in the crack initiation and propagation behaviour, the CVN test is simulated by finite element analysis. The dissipated energy and resulting fracture surfaces can be successfully represented. It is observed that slant failure is promoted by reducing the specimen thickness. In addition, the specific absorbed energy is decreased. However, most of the difference of absorbed energy is in crack initiation. This means that the fraction of the total energy dissipated in crack propagation is increased for reduced thickness specimens, making it a possible tool to assess the resistance of a material to crack propagation, provided that brittle fracture is avoided.

Keywords: fracture mechanics, charpy, numerical model

How to Cite:

Van Wittenberghe, J., Thibaux, P. & Goes, P., (2013) “Reduced-thickness CVN testing to represent slant failure of pipelines”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 4(1). doi:

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