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Determination of calibration function for fatigue crack propagation by measurment surface deformation

  • B. Glaser
  • Nenad Gubeljak
  • P. Gubeljak
  • A. Veg


Components and structures exposed to elastic dynamic loading respond with elastic strains on the surface of the material. Mechanical response could be monitored by deformations on the surface. The measurements and monitoring of these parameters could be performed with electronic devices for on-line measurements, controlled by computerized systems. In the case of fatigue crack initiation and propagation the cyclic strain amplitude deviated from initial strain response (mean value and amplitude). Implementation of appropriate monitoring system supported by computerized programs for evaluation, analyses and activation represent important means to safe service component or construction. To evaluate flaw depth growth, the strain gauge measuring sensors could be used. These sensors measure surface deformation relaxation due to flaw depth growth. The monitoring of the material under cyclic loading could be performed with experimentally determined calibration curve, representing deformation on the surface and depth of the semi-elliptical crack growth on the surface or cross section of the material. The goal of this paper is describe electronic device and experimental procedure in order to determine calibration function.

Keywords: Crack propagation, Strain surface measurement

How to Cite:

Glaser, B., Gubeljak, N., Gubeljak, P. & Veg, A., (2013) “Determination of calibration function for fatigue crack propagation by measurment surface deformation”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 4(1). doi:

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