Crack growth around stress concentrations in pipes and tubes
- Koen Loncke
- Wim De Waele
- Jeroen Van Wittenberghe
- Timothy Galle
- Patrick De Baets
Fatigue crack growth behaviour in pipes fundamentally differs from fatigue growth in shafts andflat plates. The aim of this paper is to give a better understanding of this phenomenon. In a first part of thepaper, the general principles of the fracture mechanics are concisely described. The energy approach aswell as the stress intensity factor (SIF) approach are explained. An analytical method, a numeric method aswell as an experimental method to determine the SIF are discussed. Special attention is given to theexperimental method. A theoretical model predicting the deflection of a pipe tested in a resonant bendingtest setup is evaluated and compared to experimental measured deflections. Several methods to measurethe crack growth in a pipe during and after a fatigue bending test are discussed. In addition, an overview isgiven of results obtained by other authors in the field of fatigue crack growth behaviour of pipes.
How to Cite:
Loncke, K., De Waele, W., Van Wittenberghe, J., Galle, T. & De Baets, P., (2012) “Crack growth around stress concentrations in pipes and tubes”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(1), 59-69. doi:
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