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Contact mechanics in fretting fatigue

  • J. De Pauw
  • P. De Baets
  • W. De Waele
  • R. Hojjati


This paper studies the contact mechanics in a line contact during fretting fatigue conditions. Inliterature one can find numerical and analytical solutions of normal and tangential stresses for a variety ofloading cases. However, a unified solution valid for all loading cases during fretting fatigue conditions is notavailable. We present in this paper a strategy to combine existing contact mechanics theories into a unifiedcalculation procedure. Therefore, the relevant contact mechanics theories for an idealized cylinder-on-flatcontact are selected and bundled. Two clear flowcharts group the existing theories, which results in aunified strategy that can easily be implemented in a programming language. A Matlab script wasprogrammed and calculates the normal and tangential stress distribution based on the applied forces, thegeometry of the contact, the coefficient of friction and the material properties. The present theory can beused to automate the calculation of the stress distributions, or as validation of new numerical techniques.The script is modular and can be extended to calculate the lifetime of a component, by adding lifetimecriteria.

How to Cite:

De Pauw, J., De Baets, P., De Waele, W. & Hojjati, R., (2012) “Contact mechanics in fretting fatigue”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(3), 199-206. doi:

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